Kapitän Biopunk : J.O.N.I, 2011 | Sound Installation ————————————————————- Research on finding Saccharomyces Cerevisiae from indigenous fruits of Indonesia. The yeasts then examined its ability also characteristic. Preferebly on acid resistance and ethanol tolerant. Yeast with higher acid resistance and higher ethanol tolerant is uncommon from any traditional winemaking. The goal is to seek another possibilities on winemaking and fermentation technique in general and contribute to the diversity of bio-engineering worldwide. In the process of isolation, there is a […]
Intelligent Bacteria : Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, 2010 – 2011 | Sound Installation ————————————————————– Since raising the excise duty on alcohol significantly in 2010, Indonesia has experienced an increase in homebrewed and black-market alcoholic drinks. However, people drinking this unregulated alcohol often become ill and there have been numerous reported fatalities. This project developed in response to the situation in Indonesia. Through a series of workshops and exhibitions, this project aims to educate people on how to make safe and […]