Besar ≠ Panjang (Besar tidak sama dengan panjang) Ada dua hal yang saya pikirkan berkenaan dengan apa yang kita sebut sebagai Monumen Nasional yang disingkat menjadi Monas. Pertama sebutan itu lebih tepat untuk menyatakan status ketimbang penyebutan nama. Contohnya bisa kita perhatikan melalui Jalan Jendral Sudirman. Namanya diambil dari seorang Jendral bernama Sudirman, seorang pahlawan nasional dan statusnya adalah jalan nasional. Untuk urusan jalan statusnya telah diatur dalam undang-undang dan dibagi dalam beberapa kategori, […]
SUPER BADAY FITNESS CENTRE ULAH TANAH / MISCHIEVOUS EARTH ‘Super Baday Fitness Centre’ is an extraordinary fitness centre! First and foremost, it uses clay rooftiles, rather than cast iron, as weights for the machines. “Why roof tiles?”. Well, there are lots of answers to that question. From “Why not?!” to the more elaborated “Because roof tiles are heavy, beautiful and unique!” As this point, you might start to overthink it, like “Unique, sure, I can […]
Melintas Bunyi / Tracking Sound Listening is indeed a physical experience. In 2017, I held an exhition titled Sebelum gendang (Before the drum) at Kedai Kebun Forum. Through that solo, I wanted to present several experiments in observing the physicalities of sound with different forms. In 2018, I did another solo at Cemeti — Institute for Art and Society titled ~IIINNNGGG~ in which I questioned: Is sound a matter? Does sound matter? I deliberately pose […]
~IIINNNGGG~ The title is a sound to be made rather than a word to be spoken, it refers to the ringing left in one’s ears after hearing a loud noise or in moments of “silence”, as well as the particle “-ing” that is used in the continuous verb tense (“listening”, “doing”) in English language. This solo exhibition builds on the artist’s on-going research into the physical, technological, historical and socio- political aspects of sound. […]
Tolerating the Intolerance (2018) The whirring sound is constantly there due to the movement of the roof ventilator dome. The next thing you will hear is an intermittently disrupting sound. It is a feedback of the microphone since it is installed across the megaphone. This is an act of the echo chamber. The mic operates as a tool that deliver sound, meanwhile the megaphone accepts and amplifies the sound. Other than its movement itself, there […]
Did you know that humans can be a source for renewable energy? Description of the project Etymologically, DIABETHANOL is a combination of the word “diabetes” (a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood) and “ethanol” (a colorless volatile flammable liquid C2H5OH that is the intoxicating agent in liquors and is also used as a solvent and in fuel—called also ethyl […]
“Salinan Duniawi Pohon Takdir Surgawi” CONCEPT Preseservation is an act of love. The act of preserving is an act of caring; and it may not be easily seen. Yet, what is not visible does not mean that it does not exist. Unlike his neighbors, Jalungun Silaban is not interested in converting his land into palm oil tree plantation. Pak Silaban is a rubber farmer who have been supporting his whole family by taking care […]
Exhibition Shot “Ears Have No Self-Defense Mechanism” Like other percussions, drums need energy (or force in physics) to sound. Pressure on the drum membrane produces vibrations that propagate, causes the air to vibrate, the ear then catches its vibration, the brain translates it as the sound of drum. These steps simultaneously explain the presence of mechanical processes and psychological processes in hearing work. “Before the Drum” presents Togar’s experiments on physicalities of sound using elements […]
Spatial Trichotomy for Pekan Seni Media, Pekanbaru Asung x Togar
Acoustic Analog Digitally Composed #01 Acoustic Analog Digitally Composed #02
“Origin of Takeshi Bonsai” Artist Statement My initial proposal for the residency program was to make a monument. Like many monuments, it should be designed to convey historical information from a particular society or a specific region. Monuments preserve the historical information of the site, and become a landmark for a certain historical event. In another way, it is also a cultural statement. But unlike many monuments, my idea of monument-making is not about […]
Foto pameran oleh Reza Zefanya. Foto milik ROH Projects. Museum Tanpa Tanda Jasa (MTTJ) adalah sebuah proyek seni rupa yang bercita-cita untuk memantik perbincangan mengenai demokrasi dalam era Reformasi dengan publik seni rupa sembari tidak menutup diri untuk keterlibatan disiplin lainnya. Bermula dari sejumlah keresahan akan stabilitas gagasan dan (peri)laku demokrasi dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat hari ini, kami ingin bertanya lagi: Apa artinya demokrasi bagi kita hari ini? (Sebagai bagian dari kehidupan bermasyarakat, sebagai warga negara, maupun sebagai orang-orang […]
Our gestures are generally guided by eyes and ears. In another words, humans understand their position in any spatial structure (open or closed) through sight and hearing. This performance will begin in darkness. Gradually, sound will emerge. These sound will ‘initiate’ light. By time, the audience will be able to recognize that light is present because of the sound. We can only see when the light is present. In this context, that translates to: We […]
Instalasi Tanah Berbunyi, 2015 | Sound Installation
Bata Lego, 2015 | Modular installation
Earth’s Spirits, 2015 | Distilled Earth Wine
Tepung Tayammum, 2015 | Sterilized earth with instruction
Bau Tanah, 2015 | Smell of earth
JATIWANGI CUP Jatiwangi Cup, Series of activities (billboard announcement series, trophy-making, live competition with prize pool collected from registrants), Installation (5 photographs on light boxes, trophy, calendar and participant’s t-shirt), 2015. ————————————————————– *Note from Grace Samboh about Jatiwangi Cup Art Events, Events of Art: Body-building competitions between Factories Last Tuesday (11/08), under the rays of the Jatiwangi sun that knows no breeze, 400 people from at least 22 roof-tile factories (called ‘jebor’) gathered at Jebor Super Fajar. […]
Pekak Badak, 2015 | Sound Installation ————————————————————– Latar Belakang / Background Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi dan pertumbuhan penduduk dewasa ini membuat polusi suara lebih banyak dihasilkan oleh kegiatan manusia sehari-hari. Secara tidak langsung, pencemaran suara bisa mempengaruhi kesehatan fisik dan juga psikologis manusia seperti terganggunya jam tidur, naiknya tingkat stress, hipertensi, hingga berkurangnya kepekaan telinga atau tuli—disebut Gangguan Pendengaran Akibat Bising (GPAB). GPAB terjadi karena kerusakan atau matinya sel-sel rambut pada membran basilar (yang merupakan dasar sel-sel […]
Akustikologi, a platform for artist, designers, hackers, makers, musicians, scientists, and the whatevers, working on acoustics technology and related issues. Since 2014. ————————————————————– Akustikologi is a music project that provides a collaborative platform for artists, musicians, scientists and hackers to arrange and improvise musical compositions according to each own disciplines. This project challenges the participants to not use any kinds of electronic amplifiers for a collaborative compositions in order to recall our hearing sensitivity —as we are […]
Life Is Good Dude!, 2014 | Hand Drawn Printed Circuit Board for making simple synthesizer
Kapitän Biopunk : Acoustic Neon, 2012 | Experimental Audio Visual Performance
Karma Wine, 2012 | Interactive Installation *This work were developed during a residency at KHOJ, New Delhi, India. In Context: Public. Art. Ecology – Food Edition I. ————————————————————– Background : Science Vs Religion Vs Art : Send in the Clones There is always friction between art, science and religion. Scientists construct theories and then try and prove them to determine some kind of “absolute truth” but understanding the world on a purely scientific basis is perhaps the […]
Kapitän Biopunk : Micro Satellite Incubator, 2011 | Sound Installation ————————————————————– Project continuation from a collaborative lecture i did in 2008, “How Colony Shaped”. To determine the growth of the colony, i build the first Micro-Satellite Incubator (simulation prototype) : this piece consists of motor and capacitive sensor. The motor will rotate periodically, and the capacitive sensor will act as an antenna to receive data then articulate the data in the form of sound. The rotation […]
Kapitän Biopunk : J.O.N.I, 2011 | Sound Installation ————————————————————- Research on finding Saccharomyces Cerevisiae from indigenous fruits of Indonesia. The yeasts then examined its ability also characteristic. Preferebly on acid resistance and ethanol tolerant. Yeast with higher acid resistance and higher ethanol tolerant is uncommon from any traditional winemaking. The goal is to seek another possibilities on winemaking and fermentation technique in general and contribute to the diversity of bio-engineering worldwide. In the process of isolation, there is a […]
Intelligent Bacteria : Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, 2010 – 2011 | Sound Installation ————————————————————– Since raising the excise duty on alcohol significantly in 2010, Indonesia has experienced an increase in homebrewed and black-market alcoholic drinks. However, people drinking this unregulated alcohol often become ill and there have been numerous reported fatalities. This project developed in response to the situation in Indonesia. Through a series of workshops and exhibitions, this project aims to educate people on how to make safe and […]
Perfect Symmetry, 2009 | Sound-generated Images
A collaborative lecture with Prof. Irfan Prijambada the scientist from Microbiology UGM, in accordance with the title “How is colony shaped?”. One of the approach on answering the question is to show the fractal system works. The equation has similarity to cell division. Because there are many circumstances affecting the progress of the shape such as nutrition, energy, humidity, the medium, gas, light, the nature of the bacteria, vibration, and more. Question still remain.
Selections of Puredata Patch for VJ-ing, Interactive Installation, Audio Visual Performance, and Graphic Design, 2007 – 2008. Pure Position, 2008 | Interactive Installation Cube & Sphere, 2007 | Audio Visual Performance Crossover, 2008 | Audio Visual Performance Gui Art : VJNumberOne, 2007 Cube & Number, 2008 | VJ-ing Statistic, 2008 | VJ-ing Numbers, 2008 | VJ-ing GUI Art : RYbN, 2007